
Energy Workshop

Biofuels stand out as microalgae-based bio-jet fuel, bio-diesel, bio-hydrogen and bio-methane applications for the energy sector, and offer sustainable biofuel alternatives for the transportation and logistics sector, while being an alternative to fossil fuels and contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

“SUSTAINABLE AVIATION FUELS (SAF)” Workshop was held on October 7, 2022 to provide further information to participants from energy sectors. Click here to view the photo gallery.


Health and Pharma Workshop

Microalgae products with a prophylactic effect and high antioxidant properties are offering innovative products to the health/pharmaceutical sector, as well as their use in microalgae-based active substances, various pharmaceutical applications and biological activity studies is growing rapidly.

"INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES IN BIOACTIVE SUBSTANCE RESEARCH” Workshop was held on March 11, 2022 to provide further information to participants from health and pharmaceutical sectors. Click here to view the photo gallery.


Food and Agriculture Workshop

Plant-based, non-GMO, natural functional food and beverage product applications for the food sector, microalgae, which stand out as an alternative source of protein, are an important source of raw material for healthy and nutritious food products. In the agricultural sector, agricultural production capacity is increased by microalgae used in biostimulant applications for the production of biofertilizer and increasing the organic content of the soil.
